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Elixir & Phoenix Full Course For Beginners
Welcome (2:03)
What Is Elixir? (1:09)
Why build web applications with Elixir & Phoenix? (2:26)
Who Am I? (1:56)
Elixir Basics
LiveBook Setup (1:09)
Data Types (12:01)
Operators (8:43)
Pattern Matching (8:22)
Conditionals (9:49)
Modules (12:04)
Functions (27:04)
Anonymous Functions (3:53)
Pipe Operator (3:12)
Elixir & Phoenix Framework Installation
Elixir & Visual Studio Code Editor Installation (2:09)
Visual Studio Code Editor Configuration (4:02)
Phoenix Framework Installation (2:03)
PostgreSQL Installation (2:46)
Password Generator Module Project
Create New Project (2:25)
Adding Tests (22:07)
Main Generate Function (35:51)
Uppercase Options (4:02)
Numbers Options (4:36)
Symbols Options (5:52)
Phoenix Framework Basics
What Is The Phoenix Framework? (0:45)
Directory Structure (8:41)
Routing (8:00)
Controllers (6:27)
Views & Templates (8:16)
Ecto Databases (12:45)
Phoenix Password Generator Web Application Project
Create New Phoenix Project (3:21)
Project Layout (18:40)
Generate Action (11:15)
API Endpoint (14:30)
Phoenix Todo List Web Application Project
Create New Phoenix Project (1:37)
Auto Generate Resources (4:51)
Layout & Routes (31:23)
Complete Action (5:07)
Tasks Count (10:14)
Clear Action (6:47)
Filtering & Sorting (15:09)
Thank You (0:46)
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